The programmes are Bible based with the teaching providing a good foundation for the lifelong pursuit of knowledge. We believe the Bible is central in shaping the Christian’s mind. We will encourage students to interact with the biblical text by varying our teaching approaches to each unit and by developing quality materials and resources.
The programmes place an emphasis on the need for personal development in Christian character and spirituality. We believe that knowledge is not an end in itself and that the whole learning experience should produce more mature faith and more committed disciples. Students will have many opportunities to listen to God, discover spiritual gift, work with others, and grow spiritually. In the case of the full-time programmes, this spiritual growth is enhanced through the residential college experience.
The programmes provide training in the practical skills required for a wide range of Christian ministries. Students will not only gain an understanding of the principles of Christian ministry but will acquire experience in a range of ministries by working under the guidance of experienced practitioners.
The programmes will encourage growth in knowledge, character and skills by linking each student with a member of staff for the purpose of support and accountability. We believe the spiritual aims of the course can best be delivered by students and staff meeting together in class, at leisure and in Christian service. The residential experience and closeness of staff provide valuable opportunities for developing interpersonal skills.
The programmes emphasise the local church as the basis for Christian ministry, and seek to encourage every member ministry and the practice of plural leadership. We believe that the best results can be achieved when College and church work together for the benefit of the student. Students will be allocated to a local church for the duration of their studies so that they will be able to see, reflect on, and practice many of the issues which are dealt with in the learning programme.
The programmes provide information on missionary issues and opportunities for service worldwide. We believe that students should be exposed to the realities of serving God in their own and in another culture. Opportunities will therefore be given to hear from and interact with serving missionaries. Students will be involved in evangelistic projects at home and, as opportunity permits, overseas.
The programmes will encourage an ever-increasing depth of commitment to Christ and the living out of this commitment in all areas of the students’ lives. Staff seek to be models of Christian discipleship, showing the reality of their faith in ways which students can emulate.