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Certificate of Higher Education in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry

This one year, residential programme combines biblical and theological studies with practical ministry experience through weekly placements, two weeks of Team Evangelism and a six week long Field Placement.

This could be a stand-alone year which will offer you a solid foundation for your personal life and/or your ministry with your local church or in a mission context.

All of Tilsley’s programmes have an emphasis on vocational training for Christian ministry, with prominence given to cross-cultural mission.

The high proportion of time spent in ministry placements shows the importance Tilsley attaches to vocational training, and is a vital element of the training the College provides and helps in not only giving hands-on experience of Christian service, but also in enabling students to link the knowledge gained in the lecture room with real life Christian work.

The ministry placements are arranged through the College and in discussion with students to try to provide opportunities which meet the individual student’s needs.

As part of the ministry experience, all students spend 10 days on Team Evangelism, working with a church in the UK in their outreach and other activities.

The Certificate students also spend a week in a cross-cultural environment working with a GLO church-planting team. Usually this is in Naples in Italy, experiencing some of the joys and demands of cross-cultural ministry.

Modules & Topics

These topics are designed to give a broad understanding of the content of the Bible and how it came together.  These topics comprise surveys as well as more detailed study of individual books.  The aim is to give students confidence in using the Bible both in their own lives and in ministry.

General Bible

Introduction to the Bible


Old Testament Studies

Old Testament Survey

Wisdom and Poetic Literature

Old Testament Prophets

New Testament Studies

New Testament Survey

Gospel of Luke

Acts of the Apostles


1 Corinthians

These topics are designed to help students analyse the challenges faced by the church as it tries to reach out to this generation. They will look at a variety of evangelistic methods as well as reflecting on the responsibility that each Christian has to witness. A focus on the specific issues of church planting and church growth will be complimented by current thinking on how to develop a strategy for evangelism with the aim of improving ministry effectiveness.

These topics will also equip students to understand both the secular and religious challenges that Christians have to face in today’s world. After an examination of the historical development of such belief systems, students will be taught how to respond biblically with a clear apologetic methodology that adds coherence to their defence of the gospel. Emphasis will be given to cross-cultural mission and the practicalities of living in another culture. Lessons will be learned from the history of mission. The overall aim is to give students confidence and the necessary equipment to minister in the ever-changing environment of today’s world.

Discipleship and Church

Christianity in the Workplace

Church Planting



Personal Evangelism & Discipleship

Church Evangelism in the Community

Team Evangelism

Principles & Practice of Mission

Mission Awareness Trip

Mission Orientation Programme

Defending the Faith in the Modern World


Facing the Modern World

False Cults

World Religions

These topics enable students to grasp the major doctrines of the Christian faith and to understand the historical situation in which these doctrines were formed. They work systematically through doctrines of God, Creation, Humanity, the Fall, the person and work of Christ, the Church, Holy Spirit and the End Times. The student will come to understand the role that councils and controversies played in the development of Christian theology and will interact with great Christian thinkers both past and present. The aim of these units is to enable students to understand and articulate a Christian worldview.


God, Creation, Humanity & Fall

Christology & Soteriology




Church History and Practice

Church history

Christian Ethics

History of Christian Missions

These topics deal with a wide range of issues connected with leadership, youth and children’s work as well as spiritual growth.  Students will learn about best practice in all of these areas and discover how to integrate these skills into the life of the local church.  The specific issue of church leadership is dealt with by looking at different types of church government and drawing conclusions about which are the most appropriate.  This is grounded in Scripture as students reflect on the biblical standards required for leadership.  Students also look at the broader subject of ethics and consider a Christian response to current issues facing the Christian today. The aim of these units is to give students a grounding which will enable them to play a positive leadership role in church and community.


Children's Ministry

Youth Ministry

Pastoral Care and Leadership


Introduction to Christian Counselling

Ministry Placements

Children’s Ministry

Youth Ministry

Social Ministry Placement

Field Placement (4-week Placement)

Spiritual Development

Spiritual Formation

Church Placement


Christian Life

Research Paper

Extended Essay

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