none As Principal, Simon has overall responsibility for the running of the college and lectures on all the college programmes.
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Simon has taught French and English at Hebron School in India and in the Faroe Islands. He is a graduate of Tilsley College but also holds BA (Hons) in Literary Studies (1985) and Theological Studies (2000) and has an MA in Biblical Studies (2012). Simon served as pastor at Beacon Heath Church for eight years before moving to the International Church of Prague for three years. He is an elder at Bothwell Evangelical Church. He loves certain types of computer, music, reading, and playing the guitar.



As Principal, Allan has overall responsibility for the running of the college and lectures on all the college programmes. After quantity surveying he spent 17 years in cross-cultural mission in Tanzania, where he worked with the African church in a range of mission responsibilities finally founding Berea Bible College, Moshi. Allan holds BA (Hons) in Theology (1995), an MTh (2002), an MSc Ed (2008) and a PhD (2018) from the University of Birmingham. Allan, who is an elder at Greenview Evangelical Church, is married to Jacqui and they have three children and five grandchildren.



Carolyn is a graduate of Tilsley College and also has a BA in Humanities and a Post Graduate Certificate in Education. She is responsible for maintaining links with the college’s Alumni. She is a member of Selkirk Street Evangelical Church, Hamilton where she also serves part-time as Children and Community Worker.



Garry is a graduate of Tilsley College (1992) and holds a BA in Theology with Cross-cultural studies (2010) and MTh in Biblical Interpretation (2013). Garry has also worked in the GLO bookshop (1995-98) and, along with his wife Kim, in church planting work in the Greater Marseille area, France for 10 years, where two of their three children were born. He maintains some links with France and has developed an interest in Eastern Europe. He has an extensive itinerant ministry as well as being a teaching elder in New Craig Community Church, Motherwell.



Jessica is from France and has a Diploma from Tilsley College, and in communication, and a Masters in urban planning. Before she came to Tilsley College in 2015, she worked for 14 years as a project manager for a French Council. She is married to Seb and they have three children. Jess is in charge of promoting Tilsley and GLO online.



Seb is one of the first graduates of the Tilsley College European Baccalaureate (2018). He is the College’s Spiritual Development Tutor and lectures on the Certificate and Diploma programmes. Seb has a background in construction and computing and moved to Motherwell, with his wife, Jess, and their three children in 2015. They are members of Liberty Community Church.



As Registrar, Anne is involved in various aspects of the academic administration and the organisation of key events in the college year. After attending Bible college in Berwick-on-Tweed, she spent fifteen years serving God with her husband Peter in Pakistan, where she had various roles in the language school for missionaries. After ten years back in the UK, they went to Peru where Anne’s ministry was outreach through English conversation classes. She and Peter are members of Bothwell Evangelical Church.



Dorit, who is from the Faroe Islands, is the college Bursar with responsibilities for the student residence and management of college facilities, as well as finances. Dorit is a graduate of Tilsley College and has worked as admissions registrar in Hebron School in India, as church administrator at the International Church of Prague, as well as other administrative jobs in the Faroes and the UK. She is married to Simon and they have two children and five grandchildren. They are members of Bothwell Evangelical Church.



As Practical Ministry Tutor, Judith has responsibility for managing the practical placements at the College. She studied at the University of Dundee and then went on to work with The Christian Institute before joining the staff at Tilsley College. Judith is also responsible for the administration of GLO summer teams.



Sheila is the college librarian. She and her husband Alan served God in Zambia for 21 years where their service focused on church ministry, Bible teaching and literature work. She and Alan are now mainly involved with the work of Brass Tacks. Sheila has three grown children and is also a member of Baillieston Gospel Church.



Erika is from Argentina and completed two years of training at Tilsley in 2009. After a number of years being involved in the academic administration of the College, Erika moved to being teaching staff in September 2017 and lectures on all the College’s programmes. She is currently following a Masters programme in Church History and maintains a passion for Bible ministry among women. She is a member at New Craig Community Church.



As the Academic Dean, Georgette has responsibility for the management of accreditation, assessment and timetabling, as well as lecturing across the college programmes. Georgette is a qualified teacher and after a year in the Congo and then time teaching in Edinburgh, she took a Bachelor and then a Masters degree at the London School of Theology. In 2005, she moved to Kenya to teach theology at Ravine Bible School and Scott Christian University. In 2015, she returned to the UK for health reasons and joined Tilsley in January 2017.




Esther is the college cleaner who keeps the place fresh and sparkling. Esther is married to John and they have four children. Esther is a keen long distance runner and has completed five marathons so far!



Heather is the cook at Tilsley College and caters for visitors and other groups using the facilities. Heather is a member of Calvary Chapel, Motherwell and serves there also using her gifts in hospitality, and as part of the welcome team.




Mark is a former Principal of Tilsley College and is now GLO Training Director. He and his wife Shirley served as missionaries in Zambia for twenty years engaging in Bible teaching, developing mission, resourcing infrastructure and HIV/AIDS intervention work before coming to Tilsley College. Prior to this, Mark, a native of Swansea, had started a career in engineering having qualified with a BSc from Bath University. Mark completed an MTh (2010) in biblical interpretation. Mark and Shirley have two daughters and three sons.



Allison has a B.Ed and comes from a teaching background.  She currently works in the Administration Department of GLO where she is PA to the General Director, Stephen McQuoid.  Allison is also involved one day a week in schools’ ministry and is a trustee of two children’s charities.



Stephen is the General Director of GLO Europe and a former Principal of Tilsley College. He has a passion for evangelism and apologetics and a heart for Europe. Stephen is a family man, married to Debbie with three children. He is a prolific reader and writer of books and is regularly invited to speak at national and international events. He is an elder at Liberty Community Church in Bellshill.


Tilsley also invites other lecturers to be part of the teaching; these are all people with wide-ranging experience of church and mission work.
