We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and that it has the power to educate, challenge and transform us as we read it.
We believe in one God who eternally exists in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the virgin birth of Jesus Christ and that he is both fully God and fully man. He died to take the punishment for our sins and his sacrifice makes it possible for us to enter into a loving relationship with God as our father. We believe that Jesus was physically raised from the dead and has ascended into heaven where he now reigns and cares for us. One day Jesus will return to the earth and bring history to a close by establishing his eternal kingdom.
We believe that the Holy Spirit gives life to every Christian and indwells them from the moment of their conversion. He empowers them so they can experience a personal transformation and begin to live holy lives. The Holy Spirit also equips every Christian for service by giving them spiritual gifts. It is the responsibility of every Christian to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit.
We believe that man was created sinless but through temptation by Satan fell and became sinful. The whole human race is under the condemnation of God and separated from him. Eternal salvation is freely offered to everyone and can be obtained through repentance and faith in the finished work of Christ. We believe that justification is by grace alone.
We believe that all true Christians are members of the Body of Christ. Each local church should be self-governing and we believe in a plurality of leadership. There are two ordinances or sacraments of the church; these are baptism by immersion which follows a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, and communion or the Lord’s Supper.