Growing Churches
Growing Churches – a local church revitalisation project
This church revitalisation project is a key way of working together so that the combined resources of service groups like Counties, Church Growth Trust and GLO can help network key workers and local churches to support individual local churches who are currently seeking help to grow or struggling to develop.

The certainty that Jesus Christ will build His church (against which hell itself has no hope!) does not guarantee an ever growing or unlimited life expectancy for every local congregation.
We reach a point of realising our local church needs help.
A clearer sense of direction or a few more resource people may be all that is required, but some churches may need to move from ‘life support’ to ‘resurrection’!
Church Check
When we receive your application, we will organise for a senior worker (linked to one of our partner agencies) to conduct a Church Check, exploring the main strategic options for the church and recommending an action plan to the leadership.
For struggling churches, this will likely mean doing things differently: there are reasons why churches have gone into decline!
If church leaders want to accept the recommendations, the senior worker may be part-funded to provide on-going support and advice for a year or more. For some churches, this may be enough to turn things around. But if the leaders agree that more help is needed, and the senior worker recommends significant investment and support, we will ask an independent adviser to confirm the willingness of the church to embrace the action plan and the wisdom of embarking on full-scale revitalisation.

Some Strategic Directions
This team is likely to work with the church for several years, during which time we would expect to see a renewed local leadership team established with a strategy for sustainable growth.
We would work with you to identify the right leadership team to enable a fresh start for witness and outreach in your local community.
This team is likely to work with the church for several years, during which time we would expect to see a renewed local leadership team established with a strategy for sustainable growth.
Church Growth Trust has a proven track record in managing redundant church premises for use by growing churches looking for a building in which to meet or for a fresh church plant initiative.

ReNew is a video-based learning resource to help us think through Bible principles and practical steps towards revitalisation. Simon Ladd has had over 35 years of experience in church leadership, serving in a variety of local churches in SE England. Drawing on both his own experience and that of those with whom he has served, ReNew is a tool that can help you, as a leader, think through the regrowth possibilities in your local church.
The course has an introduction and then 5 main sessions:-
1. Get real
2. Change
3. Mystery Shopper
4. What is a church?
5. Vision, Strategy and Mission.
Watching the Introduction will give you a good idea of what it is all about, but the best way to use this resource is to do it together as an eldership or leadership team. The course is set out on the following six pages, such that you can use one page per session. You could also do this together with a Revitalisation Advisor.
ReNew is accessible through GLO’s Tilsley Academy online learning platform.
Contact us!
Whether or not revitalisation is appropriate for your church, we would be glad to arrange a Church Check by a trusted senior worker. This could be your first step in a journey of understanding more clearly a way forward to greater effectiveness in witness for Christ in your area as a local church.
Please contact us by email for more details and an application form to start the consultation process.
Revitalisation Administrator: 30 Haynes Road, Westbury, Wiltshire BA13 3HD
Phone: 01373 823013