Why Tilsley College?
Small classes and a high staff-to-student ratio contribute to the effectiveness of Tilsley’s programmes.
+ Thinking
We think deeply about the Christian faith and how it is applied in our contemporary world. Tilsley’s programmes deal rigorously with current issues of theology and challenge students to avoid superficiality in faith.
We are a thinking college.
+ Discipleship
We are a community of people committed to teaching others to be followers or disciples of Jesus.
It is only in following Christ and learning from him that his character can be formed in us. Discipleship and mentoring are central to what we do.
+ Training
Training is a vital element of the programmes at Tilsley as seen in the emphasis on practical placements and a hands-on approach to mission. Our staff have many years of practical experience and a wealth of skills to share with students.

Part-time Programmes
JOSHUA is designed to deliver flexible training to people who could not normally access this kind of learning in the midst of their busy lives.
ADVANCE is a compact four-week programme of Bible and mission studies offered in September and February.
The Open Access programme enables people who may only have short periods available for training to study selected modules.

Would you like to visit Tilsley?
Do you need some advice?
Please feel free to contact us!