Partner with us in the Lord's mission
We are a faith based ministry
GLO is a ‘faith based ministry’ which is able to fulfill its purposes thanks to the generous support of individuals and charitable trusts.
GLO members are not salaried and consequently rely on gifts from supporters and churches.
We are able to allocate the full amount of the money donated to the person/project indicated by the donor without deducting any admin fee. The only exception to this is in the case of credit card or PayPal fees. Each PayPal transaction incurs a 1.4% plus 20p fee which will be paid to Paypal from your gift.

To start, give our Finance Director your instructions.
Supporting GLO or a GLO missionary in really easy.
To start, give our Finance Director your instructions!
Then choose your payment method.
Electronic Transfer
This is now widely available through Internet Banking Systems and is the simplest method. Your payment should quote our bank details (given below) and should also include your name as the donor. When you give, we ask you to notify our Finance Director first with the form above or by mail.
Name: GLO Europe
IBAN: GB07BOFS80226022102168
Name: GLO Europe
Sort Code: 80-22-60
Account Number: 22102168
Direct Debit
We are happy to receive regular gifts by Direct Debit. If you would like to give in this way you must set this up with your own bank and then notify us of how you would like the funds distributed.
We are still happy to receive cheques, which should be made payable to GLO Europe and accompanied by a note indicating how you would like the money to be used.
You can donate through PayPal. By clicking on the ‘Donate’ button below and you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page. Follow the instructions to proceed.
Give online with Paypal
Simple & secure
Can you Gift Aid your donations?
Gift Aid Explained
Gift Aid is a scheme that allows charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, which means your donations will be worth 25% more to us at no extra cost to you.
If you Gift Aid your donations we can claim back from the government 25p for every £1 you donate to GLO Europe.
You simply need to have paid or will pay an amount of income tax and/or capital gains tax that is at least equal to the tax that GLO Europe and other charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs you donate to will reclaim on your donations in a tax year.
If you already donate to us and want to check that you are gift aiding your donations then please call us on send an email to our financial director.