Sharing the thoughts and experiences from experts in mission across the world.
Welcome to the joint blog of Echoes International and GLO. Sharing the thoughts and experiences from experts in mission across the world, we aim to examine the issues facing mission today, and challenge existing views about cross-cultural mission.

Cross Over to the Other Side
For Christians, the word ‘cross’ symbolises the centrepiece of our faith. However, it is also a verb which denotes an action, a definite and deliberate

All The Way
“Why not try to paint a picture based on your favourite hymn?” There are many hymns I love, so it’s always hard to choose a

Mission Kid to Missionary
I was raised in a Christian family and was 12 when the Lord called my parents to missionary service. Seeing other countries and cultures was

Mission: Vocation, not Location?
“You’re not Irish!” he said with a derogatory smile on his face. I was confused, because I thought I was. Some might quip that it

Psalm 96: A Song for your Summer Playlist
What playlist have you planned to use this summer and what’s it called? Nowadays many of us use playlists on our phones or tablets to

Servant Leadership: Mission’s Crucial Export
Some words can provoke a reaction. I have sometimes spiced up a conversation with friends by dropping in a word that I know will be

Handling Christian Conflict
What do you think is the greatest challenge for missionaries? Apparently it’s not necessarily the uncomfortable climate, the unfamiliar diet, the difficulties of language, the

A Glorious Reminder that the Gospel is still the Power of God
Interesting times we live in! Even if you were alive for the last global pandemic, none of us have experienced anything like this before. The

7 challenges for today’s church
In this blog, let us think about how our strategies in mission compare with the early church in Acts. Here are two passages from Acts which

Our North Star
Standing one evening with my grandson, who was three years old at the time, we were gazing into the dark night sky. Trying to be

God’s Progressive Call
God’s call to us was progressive, slow and measured. Probably, in my case, it started when I was born to missionary parents who came from

My Hope is Only Jesus
Coronavirus: the word on everyone’s lips and the fear in (almost) everyone’s hearts. Response to the pandemic has been mixed. We cannot fail to be

The Believer’s Job Description
With every job description comes information about the task at hand: what have I to do? Who do I report to? What resources are available

Only One Life
What does it mean to waste life? This is a burning question that all human beings need to face as individuals. Many are wasting the

Called to Zambia
Being a missionary is not an occupation that many young people would consider these days. When I started as a missionary, there was no salary,

Call to Belgium
It was toward the end of 1989 when the Lord stopped me in my tracks. For years I had heard the gospel through a Christian

7 Tips from a Traveller Talking to a Diplomat
In Acts 8:26-35, we eavesdrop as Philip shares the Message of Jesus with a fellow-traveller. 1) Listening to God (8:26, 29) Philip was a person open

Summer Reflections
In my first blog I mentioned how important Christian camps have been to us as a family and especially to our two boys Josiah and Joseph.

Jesus’ Strategy for Mission
What should our strategy for mission be?That’s a question many books and articles seek to grapple with. But whilst a lot of these strategies are

You Give Them Something to Eat
These were the remarkable words that Jesus said to his disciples. They’d seen that the crowd who were there to listen to Jesus were in

Understanding the Times
As Israel and Judah unite around David, the tribes send various parties of warriors to help in the cause. Most tribes send tens of thousands,

Picking up the Pieces
It’s 8.55am on a normal working day in the UK, and I’ve already had the privilege of sharing the gospel with around 250 people –

Rest For Your Soul
There are many tools that God gives His church to reach our cultures with the Message of the Lord Jesus. In Acts 17, Paul quotes

We all hold them. Ideas and thought patterns that stick in our minds and are perpetrated in our conversation and writing. We are creatures of

Growing People Through Missions
Recently I encountered a new Pakistani Christian in Malaysia who came to Christ through a discipling process that intentionally shared the good news of Jesus.

The Mission of Teaching
In 1536, the Franciscans inaugurated the Colegio Santa Cruz in Tlatelolco, Mexico, with the purpose of training Mexican people for eventual ordination in the Roman

The Dangers of a Religious Revival
By 2025, it is estimated that 95% of people in the world will be religious. Richard Dawkins and his friends are exhaling the last breath

How Long?
John Cooper is possibly the world’s longest serving paperboy. He started delivering newspapers in his Derbyshire village in 1947 at the age of 11. Now,

Learning from St Patrick
One of the dangers we face as modern evangelicals is the temptation to think that God didn’t do very much in the world until we

Writing a Newsletter
As mission workers, we are grateful for the support we receive from friends and churches. We value their prayers and financial input into our lives

Boldly Go
I have enjoyed thinking about what I would say to build on my previous blog about Matthew 9:36 and ‘How is the world reached?’ This time round,

Going the Distance (part 2)
In my first blog post, Going the Distance, when I wrote about the continued importance of long-term mission, I concluded by saying the following: “It is important

When God Calls
I was born and lived in Naples until I was 21. At the age of 22 I was saved during my military service in Florence,

With all the Saints
Paul’s prayers make me ponder. His themes seem so foreign to mine. He prayed earnestly that God would so strengthen believers that they would begin

Love and Missions: A Question of Motivation
Twenty-five years ago, I left my home country to become a cross-cultural missionary on the Operation Mobilization Ship Logos 2. It was exciting to share

What…Me a Missionary?
I am interested in BIG ideas. Perhaps it’s the way the Lord arranged my genetic material. Maybe it’s because when I first started to read

We are Meant to be Different
Getting excited about the different ethnic folk filling your supermarket? Positive about cultural differences? Or are we happier with our own folk? Among the powerful

When School is a Battleground
Bringing up a family in another culture can certainly have its challenges. Many of the things that we take for granted in the UK are

Teaching the Next Generation
The challenges of teaching the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord. We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the

When Mission Doesn’t Excite You Anymore
I know that blog posts should be punchy, inspiring and challenging. This blog is about a subject that’s probably none of these things. It’s something

Mandate of the Image Bearers
Standing in the naked innocence in the newness of life and with speechless awe of their Creator, Adam and Eve were about to receive on

Mission Enterprise: A Call to Proclaim Christ
When was the last time you heard of someone called of God ‘to preach the gospel’? Global mission has long since been re-categorised as being

Don’t Forget the Sacrifice
I love reading biographies of all sorts—historical, political, Christian but above all mission. What moves and challenges me are not always the stories of great

Are we listening to láthspell or gōdspell?
“The host rides today. Send the heralds forth!…” “It is as I feared. This wizard has bewitched you. Are none to be left to defend

Called to Send
There are a great many moments in the Bible where I would love to have been a fly on the wall observing what took place.

The Global Gospel – A Reality Today
The gospel has always been and will always be a global message. In a globalised world, there seems to be little awareness in the Church

Spreading the Gospel: The Challenge of Mission Today
Today we are faced by many transforming factors that really affect mission at home and abroad. For example, the world has been reshaped by new

Thinking Through the Call of God
Don’t you just wish for a burning bush sometimes? You know, undeniably miraculous, clearly from God, with simple, clear directions you can just go out

The Fellowship of His Suffering
In the early centuries of the Christian era suffering and martyrdom were part and parcel of being a Christian. When Christianity was endorsed by the

So Far Away: A Story About Incarnation
My wife, Janet and I left the city of Chiang Mai in Northern Thailand at the end of 2011, after 19 years as mission workers