Conference videos
21& 23 January 2020

Creation Care
Our first Task, Our Greatest Challenge
In this year’s Mini Bible School, we will be looking at the issue of Creation care and our responsibilities as stewards of our world. Environmentalism is a relevant topic today with many suggesting that we are living in a ‘climate emergency’. People like Greta Thunberg have become household names as have protest movements such as Extinction Rebellion. What are we to make of this issue?
We want to look at the environmental debate from a Christian perspective and ask what does the Bible actually say about creation care? We also want to evaluate some of the philosophies that lie behind the ‘environmental agenda’. We will offer some practical insights as to the challenge our planet faces and the opportunities for witness and mission that the environmental debate raises.
Joining our regular team we are delighted to have a guest with us again this year. David Gould is OMF International’s Facilitator for Creation Care. His task is to explore the impacts of the growing ecological crisis, particularly on the peoples of East Asia; and to help develop appropriate missional responses.
1. Creation Care Session 1 Allan Mckinnon from GLO Media on Vimeo.
Tenants in God’s World: a Biblical Theology
Creation Care Session 2 Stephen McQuoid from GLO Media on Vimeo.
A Better Christian Story: Mother Nature or God of Creation
Creation Care Session 3 David Gould from GLO Media on Vimeo.
Climate Change, the Ecological Crisis and why they matter
Creation Session 4 Care David Gould from GLO Media on Vimeo.
Living Sustainably & Shaping our Gospel Mission & Witness
November 2019

Tilsley College, GLO Europe Public Lecture
This lecture will offer insights into Christian responses to the challenges of taking the good news of Jesus into areas of urban deprivation.
The event will include light refreshments and a bookstall relevant to the topic.
Dr David Henry has, for the past eighteen years, been Pastor of Swallowfield Chapel in Kingston, Jamaica. He is an Attorney-at-Law and worked previously in the field of Civil Advocacy.
David chairs the Board of Swallowfield Outreach Foundation, serves on the Board of Youth Reaching Youth and previously served with the Peace Management Initiative and other Boards.
As well as his qualifications in law, David holds an MA in Global Leadership from the Fuller Theological Seminary; and the Doctor of Ministry from Bakke Graduate University. His doctoral dissertation was an investigation into the issues and factors shaping distorted male identity and contributing to dysfunctional behaviours of males in the Swallowfield community of Kingston, Jamaica: Developing a model for reaching, discipling and empowering males in the community.
David is also a musician and sportsman. He is married to Dr Brenda Chin-Henry and has three daughters, all married, and three grandchildren.