The vast majority of our lecturers and staff have experience of being mission workers in countries such as France, India, Argentina, Czech Republic, Pakistan, Peru, Ethiopia, Tanzania and Zambia.

As Principal, Allan has overall responsibility for the running of the college and he also lectures on all the college programmes.
After quantity surveying, he spent 17 years in cross-cultural mission in Tanzania, where he worked with the African church in a range of mission responsibilities, finally founding Berea Bible College, Moshi. Allan holds a BA (Hons) in Theology (1995), an MTh (2002), an MSc Ed (2008) and a PhD (2018) from the University of Birmingham. Allan, who was an elder at Greenview Evangelical Church, now leads a church planting team in Darnley Mill, Glasgow. He is married to Jacqui and they have three children and seven grandchildren.

José Junior is Brazilian and has degrees in History and Theology with a specialisation in Christian Philosophy. He completed a Masters in Religion and Society in 2022. Junior has extensive experience in the areas of Christian education, counselling, discipleship and the training of Christian leaders.
Junior, his wife Luana and daughter Maria live in Kilsyth and attend Kilsyth Community Church. They like to cook Brazilian meals and take long walks in Colzium Park.

David graduated from Highland Theological College with a BA(Hons) (2015) and has an MTh in Scripture and Theology from Union School of Theology, Bridgend (2022).
He has long experience in discipleship and pastoral ministry among students. His responsibilities at Tilsley include overseeing mentoring, personal discipleship and devotions for students as well as teaching in the related areas within our programmes.
He is married to Rosie and they worship at St Silas Church, Glasgow. Together they enjoy offering hospitality and playing board games.

Paul is a mission partner with Interserve GBI (see more info button below) who works with refugees and asylum seekers in Glasgow, in partnership with local churches. He has a particular interests in both cross-cultural mission (especially amongst forcibly displaced peoples and Muslims) and Biblical Studies.
Paul has been involved in refugee ministry for the past 14 years. He served initially in Athens, Greece in 2006 and then moved to Glasgow in 2008. He holds a BTh(Hons) from Belfast Bible College / Queen’s University (2005), a PGCert in Counselling from the University of Strathclyde (2010), and an MTh in Biblical Studies from the University of Edinburgh (2017). Paul is currently pursuing doctoral studies with a focus on peoples on the move in the book of Acts.
Paul grew up in California, but moved to the UK in 2001 to study. He met his wife, Emma, in Belfast; they have two children. The family are attending Kirkintilloch Baptist Church.

Gareth worked as a banking advisor in internet banking until 2017. After being on a GLO team in France, he felt challenged by God and left his job to study at Tilsley. He completed the Baccalaureate in 2021.
His passion for teaching the Bible, defending the faith and sharing the gospel grew along with a desire to serve God in Scotland. God’s call led him to take up a role as lecturer at Tilsley and to serve in his local community with his home church Townhead Christian Fellowship in Stevenston.
Gareth is currently advancing his own studies in a Masters Degree programme with LST.
Associate Teaching Staff

Simon is a previous Principal at Tilsley College and now lectures on all the College’s programmes. He is the International Director of European Christian Mission (see more info below).
He has taught French and English at Hebron School in India and in the Faroe
Islands. He holds a BA in Literary Studies and Theological Studies and an
MA in Biblical Studies .
Simon served as pastor at Beacon Heath Church for eight years before moving to the International Church of Prague for three years.
Mark Davies

Mark is a former Principal of Tilsley College and is now GLO Training Director.
He and his wife Shirley served as missionaries in Zambia for twenty years engaging in Bible teaching, developing mission, resourcing infrastructure and HIV/AIDS intervention work before coming to Tilsley College. Prior to this Mark, a native of Swansea, had started a career in engineering having qualified with a BSc from Bath University.
Mark completed an MTh in biblical interpretation. Mark and Shirley have two daughters and three sons.
Allison Hill

Allison grew up in Aberdeen and taught there for eight years before coming to Motherwell to study at Tilsley College.
She went on to be the College administrator for a number of years and currently works in the GLO Centre as PA to the General Director, Stephen McQuoid.
Dr. Stephen McQuoid

Stephen is the General Director of GLO Europe and a former Principal of Tilsley College.
He has a passion for evangelism and apologetic and a heart for Europe. Stephen is a family man, married to Debbie with three children.
He is a prolific reader and writer of books and is regularly invited to speak at national and international events.
Guest Lecturers
Tilsley also invites other lecturers to be part of the teaching; these are all people with wide-rangingexperience of church and mission work.
Garry lectures on all the College’s programmes.
Garry worked along with his wife Kim in church planting work in France for 10 years, where two of their three children were born.
Garry is a graduate of Tilsley College and holds a BA in Theology with Cross-cultural studies and MTh in Biblical Interpretation.
David worked in Africa with AIM for a year. After a few years in church ministry in Belfast, he trained at
Moorlands College and London School of Theology. David has served as a pastor in Strathaven.
Beth is one of the co-founders of the Pfander Centre for Apologetics, which is a research think-tank and teaching ministry equipping Christians worldwide to engage Islam with a confident Christianity.
Derek was a missionary in the Middle East for many years where he was involved in Bible teaching, writing
commentaries, producing resources for the national church and friendship evangelism.
James is a qualified principal teacher in a secondary school with experience in full-time, local church
ministry, and is now engaged full-time in church planting. His passion for evangelism and discipleship contributes to the Cert HE programme at Tilsley.
James is married to Linda and they have three grown children. He also serves as Chaplain to Queens Park football team.
David worked for ten years in Japan as a missionary with OMF International. He taught mission studies
courses at ICC for sixteen years until its closure. He is now the pastor of Millerston United Free Church in Glasgow, and also works as a freelance mission researcher, writer and teacher.
Erika, from Argentina, completed two years of training at Tilsley in 2009. After a number of years being involved in the academic administration, she became a lecturer on all the College programmes.
Erika holds an MTh in Church History and now teaches students in Australia and Zambia.
Zach, an elder of Greenview Church, Glasgow, is married to Fiona and they have three children. Zach has long experience in youth ministry and local church leadership. He is also a qualified counsellor with BCUK and serves the Church in that area of ministry.
Pastoral, Student Welfare & Admin
Anne Grover

As Registrar, Anne is involved in various aspects of the academic administration and the organisation of key events in the college year.
After attending Bible college in Berwick-on-Tweed, she spent fiteen years serving God with her husband Peter in Pakistan, where she had various roles in the language school for missionaries.
After ten years back in the UK, they went to Peru where Anne’s ministry was outreach through English conversation classes. She and Peter are members of New Craig Community Church.

Jacqui is the college Bursar with responsibilities for the student residence and management of college facilities, as well as finances.
Jacqui is married to Allan, and they have three children and five grandchildren.
Ruth Young

Ruth serves at Tilsley in a part-time capacity as Practical Ministry Tutor. She has a background in business and administration which was followed by some short term missions experience in Bolivia. She has long ministry experience in schools work and has extensive contacts across Ayrshire.
At Tilsley she completed the Baccalaureate in Biblical Studies and Christian Ministry in 2019 and added a Postgraduate Certificate in 2021. For a few years now she has been part of the leadership team planting a church in Darnley, Glasgow. She enjoys drinking tea and spending time with people.
Tania Deering

Tania is helping with childcare and catering for the students of Tilsley College; her husband Charlie is the GLO Centre Manager.
Before coming to Scotland, they worked on the mission field for seven years in Ecuador and eight years in Madrid, Spain.
Sheila PARK

Sheila is the college librarian. She and her husband Alan served God in Zambia for 21 years where their service focused on church ministry, Bible teaching and literature work.
She and Alan are now mainly involved with the work of Brass Tacks. Sheila has three grown children and is also a member of Baillieston Gospel Church.

We have a staff member responsible for maintaining links with the college’s Alumni.

Esther is the college cleaner who keeps the place fresh and sparkling.
Esther is married to John and they have four children. Esther and John are members of Liberty Church in Bellshill.
Esther is a keen long distance runner and has completed five marathons so far!