Vision & Mission
Tilsley College has a vision to see Christian men and women thoughtfully and purposefully following Jesus Christ as faithful disciples, trained to change the world as God uses them. Our vision is summarised by three key descriptors: thinking | discipleship | training.
Our mission is to nurture and encourage Christian men and women in their walk with Jesus Christ; equipping them to serve God effectively and for his glory in today’s multi-cultural world. We hope to achieve this by deepening their understanding of the Bible, promoting Christlike character, and developing ministry gifts and skills. This is often expressed in a summary mission statement:
"Equipping God's People for God's work in God's world."
Our vision and mission align in the following connections:

In conjunction with the specific Learning Outcomes for the programmes, Tilsley College has the following aims.
Tilsley College aims to help Christian men and women:
- to establish habits of prayer and Bible study so that they may pursue a life of holiness;
- to foster the development of their gifts so that they are equipped for a lifetime of service;
- to increase their knowledge of God and his Word so that, in word and action, they are able to teach others;
- to commit to the local church and the spiritual care of all its members;
- to recognise the importance of cross-cultural and world mission, and to be actively engaged in some aspect of this;
- to have a fervour for the communication of the Good News of Jesus, both in personal evangelism and corporately in church planting;
- to recognise the importance of team ministry, and be able to participate fully in some way.