+ What is Open Access?
We recognise that many people are not able to take a year out to attend college full-time but many would value the opportunity to do some further studies. If you have a week or month to spare and would like to take one or more of our College courses, we would be delighted to hear from you.
The Open Access programme enables people who may only have short periods available for training to do a selection of our modules.
Each module contains about 12 classroom hours.
The amount of work can vary depending on whether the student wishes to do written assignments (a further 8-12 hours of personal study) or merely attend the classes.
Approximately two thirds of the lecture programme is available in an open access format.
Please contact the College for more details.

+ How much does Open Access cost?
Open Learning is available for most modules, though for 2nd and 3rd year modules prior study requirements need to be met.
Initial Registration Fee
Cost per single credit (or part credit)
Lunch per day
Full Board (if available) per day